Document Upload

Welcome to the Maryland Board of Electricians document upload page.

Please be sure to apply for the appropriate license prior to uploading documents.
When entering the SSN you need to delete the default "0" and then enter the SSN without dashes. You will be limited to a maximum of 5 items when uploading documents. The Board prefers the uploads to be in pdf format however, we will except jpegs, bmp, png and doc. We will not accept any excel spreadsheets. Please consider scanning items together in one pdf prior to uploading. Once you successfully upload the documents you will receive a confirmation email receipt.

Once the documents have been reviewed you will receive an email from the Board if there was an issue with the documents.

Attachable files........................> .pdf .jpg .bmp .png .doc
Drop files here, or browse to attach files
Confirmation Required
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Save Secure Form Draft
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